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One of the objectives of ViTrox College is to provide affordable and relevant programs for all, giving everyone a chance to pursue higher education.

To achieve this, we offer different scholarship and loan schemes that are easily applicable to all students.

The scholarship serves as a financial award given to students based on their academic achievements. Instead of focusing on and rewarding to only A scores, our Merit Scholarship provides equal and fair education opportunities by considering your overall holding results.

Eligibility: General Criteria

1. Applicable to Malaysian students holding results from recognized institutions in Malaysia OR; 2. Applicable to Malaysian students holding results from recognized overseas institutions for selected qualifications (e.g.: UEC/IGCSE/O Level) 3. Application of the scholarship is based on actual examination result. Trial/Forecast examination results are NOT acceptable.

Eligibility: Academic Criteria

Level of Study

Academic Points

Merit Discounts


Minimum 80 points
(2A-, 4B, 2C)
Maximum 144 points
  • To be eligible, students must achieve 2A-, 4B, 2C. Results vary, please consult our Education Advisor for more information.

IGCSE / O-Level

Minimum 15 points
Maximum 48 points
  • To be eligible, students must achieve Grade C for min. 5 subjects.


Minimum 18 points
(6 B6)
Maximum 64 points
(8 A1/A2)
  • To be eligible, students must achieve Grade B6 for min. 6 subjects.
  • Merit Discounts is distributed equally over the spread of 7 semesters of studies.

  • Scholarship recipients must achieve and maintain a minimum level of academic performance (GPA 2.67) to remain eligible, with the scholarship being refrained if this standard is not met for two consecutive semesters.

How To Apply

Interested to know how much discount you are entitled? Contact us today and we will calculate for you right away!

Merit and ViTrox Scholarship

ViTrox Foundation Financial Assistance Loan Scheme

ViTrox Foundation Loan Scheme

This financial assistance is not given to reward academic excellence but to encourage and assist needy and academically capable students to continue and complete their tertiary education at ViTrox College.


Eligibility of loan scheme:

  • The applicant must be a Malaysian student pursuing a full-time MQA Accreditated Programme at ViTrox College.

  • Interest-free loan. However, there will be an imposed interest on late payments.

  • Need (2) guarantors.

STEM Excellence Award

STEM Excellence Award

  • Secondary school students (public or private) who are active in STEM competitions.

  • Eligible for secondary school students (13 to 18 years old) from Malaysian public and private secondary schools. 

  • Achieved either Champion, First Runner-up OR Second Runner-up in specific STEM competitions.

Student-Get-Student Scheme

Payout (confirmed) for every successful registration (1% of tuition fee)

  • The allowance be paid to the introducer once the new student has paid the tuition fee or when the ANY loan is received in the second semester.  

  • The new student can only be introduced by one (1) introducer.

  • The introducer will be notified once the allowance has been paid via online transaction/ cheque.

Student-Get-Student Scheme

Alumni & Sibling Discount

Alumni & Sibling Discount
  • This scholarship applies to Malaysian students only.

  • Applicable to applicants with direct siblings (brother/sister) who are either alumni or current students at ViTrox College. For current students, the sibling must have completed at least one semester to qualify for Alumni & Sibling Discounts.

  • Eligible applicants will receive a 15% discount on tuition fees.

Bumiputera Discount

Bumiputera Discount

  • The Bumiputera Discount is offered to Malaysian Bumiputera only. 

  • Eligible applicants will receive a 10% discount on total tuition fees.

  • The discount is only applicable to new students enrolling in first semester full-time programs at ViTrox College.

Bursary Discount

Bursary Discount

  • The Bursary Discount is offered to Malaysian ViTrox College students only.

  • Eligible applicants will receive a RM 1,000 tuition fee discount for the following semester.

  • The Bursary Discount is offered to Malaysian ViTrox College students who do not receive any sponsorship/ scholarship/ discount/ award/ financial assistance within ViTrox & Associated Sponsor Partner.

  • Applicants need to enroll in at least 9 credit hours for the latest semester with a minimum GPA of 3.5.

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